
if you don't, don't

she was writhing on her bed
completely naked and bleeding from both arms
i closed my eyes
"you're not my responsibility."
then i opened them and said it again
"you fucking selfish bitch,"
she screamed out loud
i got dressed for bed
"do you want help?" i asked absently,
not facing her
"fuck you," then, "yes"
she put on her bathrobe and ran outside
taking the knife with her
i sat on the bed, my head in my hands
smelling the dirt under my nails
the blood smelled like pennies
a mouthful of copper
the police came and she wasn't making sense
just rocking back and forth, mumbling
they cuffed her and threw her in the ambulance
while the female cop took my statement
she turned before they took her away
said fuck you and spit
in the hospital they fed her valium
diagnosed her with multiple personality disorder
told her she tried to kill me and then
released her
she walked the ten miles down the 101
in hospital scrubs and when she saw my
face we started crying
her mom drove down to california to help
she's just a country girl
a farm girl from oregon ten miles from
the methamphetamine capital of the world
i tried to do the right thing
i moved half of my things and slept in
an empty room on the second floor
policemen knocking to see how i am
they tell me i did the right thing
i didn't mean for her to go there to
that place i went when i was fifteen
and heartbroken, the doctors
and the tubes and grim faces and you
are just another sad girl with
clotted bloody arms, two phone calls
pills and tap water
my friends say i was wrong
and i feel wrong and lonely
i've been drinking for thirty one days
today is a new day
day thirty two and smiling straight girls
want to kiss me and i don't
want to talk

boys don.t cry