
x things i hate about you

What is your name? Heather

If you could change your name what would you change it to? Satan.

Do you have any nicknames? feather, smeather, frombie, loserface, heffer. ya know, the norm.

What names do you HATE being called? dyke [because i'm not], tomboy [because i am]

What were you doing before you got/read this? watching a tv story about dwarves

What are thinking right now? That i am not gunna sleep tonight.

What do you think about when you go to the toilet? Unsexy thoughts.

What is the last sentence you spoke? "get out." [to my brother.]

What is your worst habit? i get horny too easily. heh.

What is your morning routine/ritual? moan, stretch, lay down on the couch, eat, hair, clothes, school.

What was the last book you read, and what was it about? Violets Are Blue by James Patterson. Vampires.

What was the last TV program you watched? the dwarf thing i'm watching right now

What was the last song you heard and who was it by? some song by the Circle Jerks

What was the last thing you bought? a guitar pick

What was the first cd/tape/record/musical thingy you ever bought/received? my first cd was Ace of Base, after my mom accidentally put the tape version in the answering machine.

If you could play any role, in any movie/play what would it be? Ophelia.

What word/s and phrase/s do you love to use? "get out of my house", "get out of my town", "cum bubble!", "penis wrinkle!"

What word/s and phrase/s do you wish to never EVER hear again? "damn the nation"

What is your worst fashion disaster? just about every day up until a couple months ago

Have you ever dyed your hair? If so, what colour? i got highlights. once. but now i want to dye my whole head blood red. hell yeah.

What's the best story/joke you ever heard? what starts with an 'f' and ends with a 'u-c-k'? ........fire truck!

What's the dirtiest story/joke you ever heard? (It can be true or

fictional.) i don't usually hear them, i tell them.

What is the worst lie you have ever told? "...friends forever."

What is the hardest thing you have ever had to say to someone? "No."

What is the hardest thing you have ever had to NOT say to someone? "I lied to you."

Do you have any regrets? List your biggest one. yeah, but the biggest one is falling behind this year.

What was your first job? i've never really had a steady job.

What is your ultimate job? Lead singer in a band. a band so unbelievably weird we couldn't help but get attention. yeaaahhh.

What is your all time worst cringe memory? in terms of embarrassment, getting caught changing into a swimsuit in the wrong room in preschool. in terms of just plain ugh, think "jello commercial."

What is the one thing you couldn�t live without? (Anything, any item,

person, place, memory.. just something.) Lauren. and computers.

Is there anything you fear to the point of a phobia? nah

When was the last time you were really truly frightened- and what were you frightened of? running away through a bad neighborhood two weeks ago.

Do you know what anime is? Yeah, unfortunately.

What computer (or nintendo/playstation) game are you absolutely addicted to-

and probably playing right now, instead of filling out this questionnaire? tony hawk proskater 2 & 3

What do you plan to do when you "grow up"? become some bullshit wannabe writer or a doctor. or something. i don't want to think about it right now.

Is it the same thing you wanted to do when you were little? no. when i was little i wanted to be a wildlife photographer.

What do you consider to be your biggest weakness? i read waaaaay too much into what people say. or what i think they say.

What do you consider to be your biggest strength? intelligence, i guess. hey, do YOU see any spelling errors?

Would you like fries with that? mmhmm.


(Off you go.. you know the drill with these)

What's your favourite fruit? um..apple?

What�s your favourite meal, and why? ravioli! because it's tasty.

What's your favourite brand of underwear? that is so unbelievably personal.

What�s your favourite piece of clothing you own? my toe socks.

What's you favourite fragrance? (can be of a person, flowers, food whatever) Lauren.

What�s your favourite comeback that you�ve used in an argument? "you, bitch!"

What�s the best episode of any long running TV series? i don't watch long running TV series, dammit.

What's your favourite movie genre? depends on the movie. there's shit in every genre.

What is your favourite movie? memento.

What is your favourite tv program? the practice, because i am a nerd.

What is your internet server of choice? don't fuckin care as long as it works.

What is your favourite song? exit music for a film/radiohead

What is your favourite colour? BLACK. and red.

Your favourite relative? my dog. no, really, my brother.

What�s your favourite swear word? who are you, fuckin james lipton? um, fucktard, i guess.


(What you believe in, and why.. feel free to ramble)

What is your personal philosophy summed up in one line? Carpe Diem

Give a single sentence (or paragraph if it's really long) that someone has

said (or written) that has touched your soul- it's never happened.

Give a single sentence (or paragraph if it's really long) that someone has

said (or written) that has changed your life- urgh. see above.

Who is the person that inspires you the most, and why? i don't think i've ever really been inspired by anyone. which is apparent in the utter lack of talent in my writing/drawing/whatever.

What's your opinion on magick? i'm in favor. it gives bums jobs, you gotta admit.

Are you a journal/diary writer?- naw, you think?

If so would you ever allow someone to read it? duhr.

If not, why not? well, i do. but i don't write things i don't want people to see. so it works.

Do you think war is a legitimate option of revenge? hell NO. it's fuckin hypocrisy, is what it is.

Do you trust the leader of your country and why? that's a straight up, left right and center, NO. because he's

Is reality real? by definition.

What is your view on life in space? well shit, we haven't exactly mastered life on earth yet.

If you could have one question answered, what would it be? Why do hot dogs come in packages of 10, but hot dog bun packages come in 8?

Do you believe there are there karmic forces at work in the world? yes and no.

Do you believe in forgiveness? If so, what is the biggest act of forgiveness

you have committed? yeah, i believe in it. i've also done it at times when i shouldn't have.

Do you believe in lying? there's no point. everyone lies.

Do you think that your family supports you? yeah. i guess.

Do you believe in a god/dess or higher power? no.

Do you believe Year 12 is evil, and wish the pain would stop? what?

Have you ever beaten the shit out of someone? yes, and i realize that's hypocritical. sue me.

Have you ever wanted to? yes.

Why? because they deserved it.

What's your opinion on the Catholic Church? there are a few individuals of the church who get it. unfortunately, about 90% of them don't.

Do you think the Simpson�s is the greatest social commentary of our time? nah.

If you don't (heathen) then what is? who cares?

If a tree falls in a forest and no one is there to see it, does that mean

that the ant on the ground that the tree squished didn�t really die? can't answer. i wasn't there.


(Your wish list. Dammit.. why can�t I just have everything I want??)

In what way do you wish you could change the world? what's the point? if i changed it my way you know the other 7 billion people would be pissed.

If there was one aspect of your life you could change what would it be? that my parents weren't so fucking overprotective. and that i didn't have to take prozac.

If there was one thing you could do- no strings attached- what would it be? have sex. but really, i know i'm not ready. so...yeah.

If you just one wish, what would it be and why? (And that doesn�t include

the wish for more wishes.. dammit that�s cheating!) that the gun had never been invented.

What one conversation do you wish you could have overheard? every time someone talked shit about me. or praised me.

What comeback you wish you�d had most used in an argument? it varies. i always think of it when it's over.


Had unlimited funds? feed everyone. and take lots of pictures.

Became prime minister/president? increase wages for teachers, provide u.s. aid to both israel and palestine, i dunno what else.

Were invisible? kill myself.

Became invincible? that's tough. 'cause then i couldn't kill myself.

Had the choice to become immortal? (Knowing that you would be the only

immortal.) i'd definitely say no. who the fuck wants to be alone and start over every generation?


(Okay, we know these are plagiarised, so give us a break. It just means that

we deemed them good enough TO plagiarise them! Oh, and give us a break if

you�ve seen any of the others before, we�re only human!)

What song most describes you? You tell me.

If you could compare yourself to any animal what would it be?

If you were being reincarnated, what animal would you most like to be and

why? A dog...because nothing ever turns out the way I want it to. I hate dogs.

Favourite place to be kissed? uh, my mouth? no, no, my eyebrow. don't ask.

Do you believe in ghosts? a little.

What's your all-time favourite movie quote?

All-time favourite TV quote?

Thunderstorms: scary, or cool? cool.

Day/Night? Night.

Coffee or hot chocolate? neither but...hot chocolate.

Lace or satin? satin

Here or there? nowhere

Red or blue? RED

Old or new? old. old is cheaper.

Blankie or stuffed animal? Blankie.

Have you ever loved someone so much it made you cry? yes.

Dumper or Dumpee? i've been both, but lately it's dumper.

The most annoying thing is? whores. hardcore whores. natalie lewis whores.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years time? med school.

Have you ever gone out in public in your pyjamas? yeah. with the girl scouts, can you believe that?

Have you ever set any body part on fire for amusement? maybe.

Ever had an imaginary friend? yeah...richard. my imaginary sex slave. i was a horny little motherfucker.

Have you ever found a cartoon character attractive? no...??

Have you planned your week based on the TV Guide? never.

Have you ever said- "I don�t love you because I think you look like a turtle

that was mangled by a ferry in broken bay and then stabbed by the numerous

needles floating in the dirty ass water"? No. that's horrible.



Why did you fill in this survey? because because.

Who sent this to you? no one.

Now that you�ve spent all this time filling it in, feel free to curse the

afore mentioned person (or say something nice, depending on your mood and

patience with surveys).- .fart.

Any other final remarks? yeah. fart.

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