
don't go down

my hands shaking and seventeen mexican catholics and one white

businessman with bad skin staring at me because one woman said that los

homosexuales estan de moda which is to say

that it's a trend, the decadence of modern society or some shit and all

of a sudden i realize i have no idea how to defend myself in spanish

and i close my hands into my neck and my professor's beautiful

concerned eyes try to drag the words from my blood like thick reluctant

pearls stuck in my mouth

no es una decision, i start to explain but what i really want to say is

uy mami, senorita solorzano, quiero cogerte, i want to go to back to

nicaragua with you and kiss your mother on both cheeks and cook you

churros and burn them and watch you laugh at my clumsiness, throwing

back your dark wavy hair and disturbing the pinpricks of sweat

collecting on your upper lip and causing the blood to flush at the

hollow of your throat

and i would carry your small beautiful body to bed and we would make

slow beautiful love and after i would pretend to sleep while you stood

in front of your mirror and sang in your half-decent voice the songs

your abuelita taught you, and run fine turquoise combs through your

hair and arch your back slick with heat and lust and then you would

come back to bed and kiss me on the mouth, and you would taste like me

and i like you and

"es una caracteristica?" she offers helpfully. i gag quietly and say si

and plead with my eyes for her to pull the expensive ring off of her

left hand and kiss my neck, but she misunderstands and nods and said

the most beautiful thing i wish i could translate about mas amor y

menos guerra, you know, more love and less war but although she

continues to speak and look kindly into my stolen gray-green eyes the white man raises his eyebrow, but the

mexicans turn away from my eyes and my yellow-brown skin and the dark

roots in my straightened hair and the high cheekbones hidden carefully

beneath my father's salary and most of all my love, my love of what does not love me and calls me filthy names in the language of my mother and says that one day i'll find
the right man

boys don.t cry