
exodus (II)

i'm not so sure this anti-drinking thing is going to work out.

so yesterday i stole my mother's car and picked up francesca from the light rail station. as usual, she befriended some random man and he gave her a cigarette. we drove around looking for some discount cigarette place that ray-ray said doesn't card, but alas, we could not find it.

so we went back to my house and hung out for a bit, then got back in the car and picked up emily. i treated everyone to mcdonald's and then drove to emily's, where fran began to drink.

fran and i left and went up to my room. let's get weird, baby. we got real drunk &enjoyed one of the most satisfying cigarettes of my life in my backyard. i showed off my french inhale &then walked her to the bus stop.

then i went home and did my spanish project, which is, conveniently, a giant map of spain.

i'll miss the crew when i'm gone; "chef", as i like to call us. especially emily, my dear wife. carissa, however, is madly in love with emily. for the record, i think that they should have a go. all is fair in love &war, or something.

in less than twenty-four hours yours truly shall be smoking ducados over a glass of wine. i'll limit myself to one, i suppose.

don't expect these squarish logical entries when i return; i'll most definitely experience some sort of drastic epiphany while dropping spare euro into the crumpled hat of a spanish street musician.

if the plane doesn't crash or if i'm not kidnapped by a rabid gypsy, i'll update in two days or so.


boys don.t cry